Saturday, June 13, 2015
Jesus, You Fill My Cup
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Tell me what you want, what you really, really want
Friday, April 3, 2015
Hey now, you're an all-star
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Perks of Being A Procrastinator
So, here I am, In the library, not siting at my usual table on the second floor in the corner by the window, causing life to already be out of the ordinary, and 100% procrastinating all of the homework I have due way too soon. On, you guessed it... Facebook.
So after this past weekend, and how absolutely, truly incredible it was, I have nothing else to talk about other than BASIC related things. So that's what I'm doing. Talking to anyone and everyone I can about how much I LOVE BASIC, and how much God loves BASIC, and how coming to St. Rose was positively the best decision I have yet to make in my 22 years of living aside from accepting Jesus as my Lord and savior, and then... I start sobbing.
God's presence overwhelmed my heart so strongly that tears just began flowing from my eyes.
My purpose, my passion, my peace. It is all here. It is all right here in front of me and I refuse to overlook it.
Thank you, God for this powerful moment and reminder in the Neil Hellman library.
Where Your Heart Is
So, the question is, where is your heart?
I tend to say "My heart" in regards to a lot of things, because I love a lot. So here is just a list of a few things that I can think of right off the top of my head: My family, my friends, making new friends, my dog, pursuing a career in speech-language pathology, serving in children's ministry, pretending I can sing, long walks on the beach, exploring whimsical cities and villages, painting, learning new things, wearing fuzzy socks, writing ANYTHING, snapping photos of EVERYTHING, laughing loudly, eating caprese salad, drinking coffee, frolicking through sunflower fields, and watching hot air balloons rise.
However, as much as I may love all of those things, I think where your heart truly is, is where your passion and purpose also lies. So, let me tell you a little story.
I so badly want to work for BASIC someday. Like, I can’t remember another thing I was ever so passionate about as I am about St. Rose BASIC. And then to see everything that goes on at each conference, and what they’re all about, it makes my heart flutter. I think that’s why I want to hear back from Naz so badly. Like, I'd consider pausing school if the right doors opened.
Looking back on the last conference I attended, the very first one ever held in New Jersey, I like, couldn't breathe when they announced that they were looking for new staff and I could barely stay in my seat long enough for them to stop talking so I could go over and talk to them. Then, a few months ago? I felt this heart pounding sensation -- I even journaled about it -- about somehow, someway ending up in Rochester next year.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Love Story
WARNING: The following post is about to be a serious boyfriend brag. :)
Thursday evening, Andrew showed up at my doorstep, not only with a giant Arizona green tea (my favorite) to brighten up my stressful day, but also with a Valentine's Day balloon and a cherry flavored ring pop in hand in order to ask me to be his valentine... Yes, three years later and he's still asking me to be his valentine. Disclaimer: I said yes. ;)
Valentine's Day has always been one of my favorite holidays, (because who doesn't LOVE celebrating love?!) but yesterday may have been the best one yet. Although the winter weather advisory caused us to change Andrew's original plans, it gave us the opportunity to be spontaneous and have a blast anyway.
The day started out with Andrew making me lunch, and surprising me with a bouquet of beautifully vibrant flowers of all different kinds. Then we went to the movies to see Old Fashioned. (A special thank you to the man who kindly gave us free tickets right before the show!) After the movie we had dinner reservations, but first thing's first: dessert. So we split a chocolate chip cookie sundae at Coldstone's. On the way to our dinner reservation, we stopped at a nearby empty parking lot and slow danced in the snow. I must admit this was probably my favorite part of the evening. :)
Then, we had dinner reservations at Barcelona where we ate delicious food, shared great conversation, and laughed a lot. It felt like a scene from Beauty and the Beast, especially with the one red rose in the center of every table. (Thank you to the sweet waitresses who allowed me to take the rose/bottle home with me!)
Finally, we ended the night exchanging gifts. I am so thankful to Andrew for the heart shaped box of assorted chocolates, the "how-to" flower photography book, the comfy Rutgers sweatshirt that I will wear with pride, and the adorable Disney themed quote figurine/decoration... But as thoughtful and sweet as those gifts were, the greatest gift of all was spending the day with him! James 1:17 <3
I love you Andrew Meier, thank you so much for everything!